What people say about Ratio 21

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headshot of Doctor Jacob Young
Dr. Jacob Young

MD, Duke University and University of Chicago. Neurosurgery resident at the University of California, San Francisco.

Navigating the pre-med path to a medical school and ultimately a residency position starts with early exploration of medical field. Ratio 21 helps lay out the process and starts to prepare applicants for the challenges associated with this rewarding but competitive journey.

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Dr. Barry Duel, Director of Pediatric Urology, SSM Cardinal Glennon, St. Louis, MO
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Early Bird Pricing: Save 25% w/ promo code BIRD2023 thru April 15th.

Now taking signups for the summer.

Use the holiday to explore your passion and enhance your college applications with our extended programs, all built around a flexible schedule

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Why Ratio 21?

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Led by graduates
and experts from top universities
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Learn through hands-on, project-based doing
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Flexible to fit your schedule
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Collaborate with and learn from highly-driven peers
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Impress colleges with a truly unique experience
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